OAuth2 Google

How to implement OAuth2 Login Using (Single Sign-On) Google — Part 1

Rohan Ravindra Kadam
2 min readAug 11, 2021

Hello 👋All, Its Rohan Ravindra Kadam😊,

How to implement Oauth2 Login using Google — Part 1

Today authentication is the backbone of any application we develop. Providing security is of utmost importance for any application. So, to achieve this, today we are going to learn authentication (OAuth2 ) using Google.

Tech stack:- Java, Spring Boot

⚡Step 1:- Login to https://console.cloud.google.com using your Gmail account.

Credits For Google Image Search

⚡Step 2:- Create New Project For Google Cloud Console.

Google New Project Window

⚡Step 3:- Click On API & Service from Google Cloud Console.

API & Service Section

⚡Step 4:- Click on Create Credentials & Select OAuth Client Id.

OAuth Client Id

⚡Step 5:- On Successful Creation on Oauth Client Id.

OAuth Client Created

⚡Step 6:- Finally On Successful Creation, you will be able to access the credentials.

  1. Client Id
  2. Client Secret
  3. Redirect Uri

⚡Step 7:- We will look into the Code for implementing OAuth in the next part.

Google Oauth Login Using Spring Boot Code


In the article, we tried to answer many questions related to OAuth Login or also called SSO(Single Sign-On) and how to create a setup for the same on google cloud console. Google SSO features are widely been used by many companies such as Medium, Hackerrank and etc.

Please do share and like if you find the article useful. Follow me on medium Rohan Ravindra Kadam and on Twitter at rohankadam25

